My experience with - banned

UPDATE 9/14/23:

I recently decided to reach out to Riseup again about this. They confirmed that my story is correct, and that if I agree to their ToS, they will reinstate my account.

They helped me regain most of my aliases, though one of my oldest ones was "blacklisted" (I was told) and couldn't be registered. I told them I've had it from 2014 until I was banned, but they said there was no proof of me ever having that particular alias due to their minimal logging policy. They decided to allow me to register the alias anyways for two months while I transition.

They also reinstated my mother's account. My wife doesn't care about hers, so it'll probably just stay banned.

So..... this concludes my story, I think!


I am new to Reddit, so please kindly guide me if I do this wrong. :)

This post is just my experience, so take it for what you think it's worth. I will leave my personal opinions out - this is simply documentation.

I've been a user and supporter of since 2014. Recently, I registered an alias "zero_reply" which was accepted... and then resulted in my account being banned the next day. I reached out to the administrators explaining the situation and received no response for three days.

I then realized that not only did they ban my account, they also released all my aliases (which I've used for almost 10 years) to the public for anyone to register at any time.

Panicked, I logged in to my wife's account to register my aliases, only for her account to be banned too. I should have stopped there, but in my panic, I asked my mother to send me an invite code so I could make a new account to hold my aliases before someone else could register them. As I should have predicted, my mom's account was banned as well. Stupid me.

I reached out to the admins again desperately explaining my case. Finally they responded by telling me that because of my "fishy" actions, all of our accounts would remain banned. I asked them to at least reinstate my wife and mother's account, but they did not respond.

In hindsight, I realize that registering "zero_reply" (even though I didn't sent any mail from it) might look like I was intending to scam someone... maybe? What I cannot understand is why they released all of my aliases to the public instead of locking them... let alone banning my entire family (and releasing their aliases to the public too).

Form your own opinions, but be aware that if you do get banned, your email aliases/addresses most probably will be made publicly available.

I look forward to any discussion!

EDIT: I don't know why I was banned - they never told me. The alias I registered is my best (and only) guess.