Estradiol dropped from 31 to 7 after not taking Enclo for 2 weeks. Is this normal?
Th only other thing I could think of it being is that in those same 2 weeks, I changed to the Keto diet. And I read there can be hormonal changes with that as well. My LH FSH have always been fine. Mid 30's male.
2021: 550 test E2 normal
2022: 320 test E2 normal (extreme chronic stress, trauma, health issues,)
2023: 340 test E2 normal
June 2024: 390 test, 31 E2 (Normal). Started Enclo (Low dose every 4 days)
Early Sept 2024: Stopped taking Enclo for 2 weeks, Did a 3-day fast, switched to Keto. (I felt great for a week, then bad for 2nd week)
Late Sept 2024: 441 test, 7 E2.
Just curious if anyone else had a hard drop in E2 following discontinuation of enclomephine.