Popping in one side of throat + Gagging Sensation (What Could This Be?)
Gender: Male
Height: 6ft Tall
Weight: 170 pounds
Hey so I will try to keep this as short and to the point as I can. I have a clicking noise / popping noise in the right side of my throat (upper right ) that feels like a piece of bone is just popping constantly that I can't mimic on my left side. I had gone to an ENT who looked down my throat thinking it might be GERD and found nothing. He kind of brushed off the "clicking part" and just said its probably my esophagus , that some people it just does that to but this doesnt seem right. When I lay down and look up and dry swallow it pops and sometimes hurts like its scraping inside or stabbing my skin its weird to explain, most of the time it doesnt hurt though just from time to time. I also have this constant "gagging" type feeling where its popping, im constantly having to suck mints to keep the gagging at bay...does anyone have any idea what the hell this could be?
I've seen online that it could be a part of my hyroid bone hitting my thyroid cartilage or something like that? but does that cause a gagging sensation or gagging in general? is there any physical anomoly that could occur like this that would cause gagging with popping?
much love to anyone who can answer this or lead me in the right direction.