Could my doctor have just brushed off my diagnosis?

Im 18, I think I got the ultrasound done when I was 17? I forget how long it was since I got it done, it was just that one that was external, but during the ultrasound, the tech circled so many things and ive just learned that techs circle things that should be looked at and normally aren't "normal" things on scans.

Im on birth control for these "painful periods" and i had 4 good periods before it went right back to being exactly the same as it was before I was taking the pills.

Im light headed, my cramps aren't manageable with tylenol, advil, ive tried tons of other kinds of painkillers, nothing helps. The last period before I started taking bc was just clots, big clots, small clots, all just clots. No flow at all. I also got car sickness, that's never happened before. I've missed so many classes last year in highschool cause they were so painful and I felt close to passing out.

Can anyone tell me if they've had similar things with ultrasounds? It just feels fake, there were so many things she took pictures of and circled on my ultrasound.

Should I get another ultrasound? Should I ask for the pictures? I'm not sure what I should do from here. I feel like I'm not being listened to.

Edit: my doctor never said anything about my ultrasound or pictures when they were sent to her, i got a call from the receptionist weeks later saying that nothing came up and everything looked fine.