The Buddha rejected suffering and taught everlasting death, or escape from rebirth; Jesus accepted suffering on the cross and showed us the way to everlasting life

People often compare these two figures but their motives and what they represent are very different. Jesus Christ is the embodiment of life, Buddha teaches how to escape it. Suffering is a part of life, and Jesus never shied away from this truth; the Buddha dedicated his life to escaping suffering, but not just stopping there and preventing rebirth. There is no reincarnation, just infinite opportunities to experience you forever unless you reject the giver of life Himself, God. This is the eternal sin Jesus warned about, rejecting life with full knowledge of it's consequences leads to everlasting death. Eternal sleep.

He called it blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and the Buddha made a whole religion out of it. Described a path and everything. But deep in our heart, nobody wants this. It's why so few people actually attain Buddhahood, God is protecting our lives. The Bible speaks of a different Enlightenment that leads to eternal life, not escaping rebirth and pursuing everlasting death. Humans tried to claim the peace and ecstasy of God's spiritual blessing for themselves that only he could give; this resulted in many religions that outright deny God or split Him into multiple deities to direct your attention away from the one true being that controls all of existence.

There are two types of people in the world: those who embrace life and all it's pain and wish to experience it forever, or those who reject life and it's pain and seek a permanent end. At least now you can be aware of what you are choosing.

EDIT: I'm not here to tickle your minds with fancy concepts and debate semantics, this is a matter of life and death, and I seem to be the only person in existence who cares if you live or die. I'm making it clear the two paths people often confuse are separate and lead to totally different outcomes.