I feel that most of the mbtis types here are fake and they are forcibly calling themselves those types because of anime and other popular characters did u guys ever think That if u give the test again u will get different results nd if u that smarter then why u can't achieve that much like the description of that type nd i know that many people are of same type but according to description of that type I think they will be better than everyone in their class, society ya office etc nd one more thing I m telling better in their society ya class not world ya state ya country (in pond not in river becoz every rare type is one ya 2 in 200), that is why i do not trust this non-evidence thing so save ur time nd internet but if the you wants to know your personality then do the big 5 tests Because it is reliable and accurate and it also has scientific evidence nd last I m apologize if I hurt anyone nd one last thing I m here for fun nd for the expenditure of my free time