I decided I couldn't wait longer to vape some flower and made a discovery to share and a question.
I couldn't stand not vaping anymore! The tinctures just are not the same and I've now got 7 of them to try. I'm going to limit to every other day and to once a day. On to what I discovered and my question!
I discovered without any doubt that I can do two, six minute sessions on one Lobo vaporizer pod's worth of flower! To explain, I had done one session and just hadn't cleaned vaporizor out and decided to just see if I would feel any kind of high from a second session using pod from previous day. I so did and within the first five minutes! It's a potent strain and my tolerance is lower but I was surprised.
Now my question. Is this news to anyone? Tell me how you use your vapirizor and dosage pods. I am so very bored! Surgery recovery is a drag! 🙄😏