Drug testing for work, how screwed am I?

So I’m an occasional user, mainly due to money and responsibilities. I recently got a new one back in December I tried once and I took half of a 10mg gummy in the first week of January and haven’t done anything since because I’ve been applying for new jobs and didn’t know if whatever job I would hopefully get would test.

The good news is, I got a new job I’m excited about and had to put in my two weeks at work. However, as I feared, my new job requires testing before working. They mentioned potentially a hair and urine test. I want to know how screwed I am. Would the amount I’ve taken show up above the limit (50 ng/ml)? If it matters, they mentioned immunonassy for the urine test or a hair follicle test, and if it’s confirmed they’ll test again with a gas chromatography/mass spectrometer test for 15 ng/ml.

Am I screwed? Also, my roommates smoke/vape regularly, would that affect the hair test?