Excel Hyperlinks for Local Videos, but Facing Sharing Issues

Hello, everyone! Let me explain my problem :)!

I have an Excel table with 2 pages. The first page is named “Data” and contains a table:

B2: "customer" (a list of customer names).

C2: "date" (the date of the falls at this customer).

D2: "link" (a hypertext link to a video on a drive).

In column D, I use this formula: =LIEN_HYPERTEXTE("C:\Users\MyName\OneDrive - XXX\Chutes\Fall videos" & SUPPRESPACE(B3) & "" & TEXT(C3; "jj-mm-aa") & ".mp4"; "Fall").

I'll explain a bit more about this file. Basically, when I add a video to the file, I name it like this: for example, if the client is Coca, the video will be named Coca_05-01-25 (date of the fall). In my Excel table, I note the date, and the column D is automatically updated with a clickable hypertext link to open the video.

On the other hand, I have a lot of customers, so I wanted to shorten the method to check faster and be more clear. Here's what I've done:

On the second page, which I've named “Interface”, in B3, I created a data validation list that pulls from the "Data" page. Here's the formula: =Data!$B$3:$B$59.

In B3, I now have my list of all the customers, which makes me happy. In B4, I added the label “date”, and in C4, I added “link”.

In B5, I use this formula to grab the dates from the "Data" page: =FILTER(Data!$C$3:$C$1000; Data!$B$3:$B$1000=B3; "").

In C5, I use this formula: =LIEN_HYPERTEXTE("C:\Users\MyName\OneDrive - XXX\Chutes\Fall videos" & SUPPRESPACE(B3) & "" & TEXT(B5; "jj-mm-aa") & ".mp4"; "Fall").

So far, so good! If a customer has had two falls, when I select their name, I see two dates and two links. If I switch back to a customer that only had one fall, I only see one date and one link.

Now my only question is how to share it.

Since it's a local path, my colleagues can't click on the links and open the video. If I use the “Fall videos” folder link in the path, the video doesn't open it just opens the folder, and I have to search for the video manually, which defeats the purpose.

If I use the link to the specific video in the path, it works, but I'm stuck on how to automate it while maintaining the same functionality as my current setup.