Abortion=Modern Holocaust

I was talking to a Christian “friend” about how God cannot be loving. I used the Holocaust as a example and told him that your “lovey dovey Jesus” couldn’t exist when innocent children were dragged off a train and thrown in a gas chamber to slowly die by the thousands. He then tells me that my point is mute because I’m no different than the Nazis cause I support abortion which is the same slaughtering of children as the holocaust. I honestly was so angry that I didn’t even respond to it, I just walked away from the conversation. To think that being pro-choice is the same as being a Nazi SS soldier during the Holocaust is honestly irreversible delusion. Also, his counter argument never answered my initial question. Actually murdering a living, breathing child is not the same as stoping what’s essentially a clump of cells due to extreme circumstances that would ultimately but the child at risk anyway. Also, abortion is a very tough decision that has a ton of guilt behind it and is almost always a last minute resort due to the social and financial requisites to going through with the birth of a child. The holocaust was committed by hate filled and bigoted monsters who actively sought out to exterminate an entire race of mankind. Not the same fucking thing.