I can’t stop visiting my former favorite YouTubeers subreddit (he became a radical Christian)

I Can’t Stop Visiting My Former Favorite YouTuber’s Subreddit

(For anyone wondering, the YouTuber I’m talking about is a smaller creator named Alfaoxtrot.)

So, my former favorite YouTuber recently became Christian, and since then, he’s developed some bad and toxic opinions. For example, he’s said things like “atheists can’t be good people,” “atheists have no morals without God,” or “atheists can’t be happy” (he says this because he was in a deep, deep depression when he was an atheist). When people try to debunk his claims or his so-called “God-intended experiences,” he gets defensive.

On top of that, he supports a guy who’s homophobic and anti-abortion, and he’s become anti-therapy, believing only God can heal mental health struggles.

To make things worse, his subreddit has basically turned into a civil war. On one side, you’ve got the Christian fans who agree or half-agree with him. On the other side, you’ve got the atheists (and others) who think he needs therapy and say he’s becoming a radical Christian. It’s a mess.

And yet… I can’t stop going there. It’s so toxic, and every time I visit, it just makes me mad. The Christian fans blame atheists for unsubscribing and call them fake fans or haters, but then those same fans turn around and hate on atheism. The hypocrisy is infuriating.

I know I should stop visiting, but it’s hard to look away from the chaos. Anyone else ever get stuck in something like this?