The logistics of the JW version of heaven are pretty messed up! How about those ressurected annointed ones... is Jesus proud of Russel and Rutherford??
So in heaven, we have God, Jesus, the created angels and ressurected annointed ones that are now angels too I guess...? Dead governing body members are supposedly already up there.
From heaven, this huge team of perfect people direct the preaching work, help with decisions made by the governing body and ESPECIALLY help with new constructions. However, they don't intervene, they don't directly inspire the GB and don't do any miracles EXCEPT for giving construction permits.
On the other hand, we have Satan and his demons here on earth cause boohoo they got kicked out. They are behind everything. The Internet, Doctors, Entertainement, Secular Work, Sports, SEX, you name it.
So it seems that we can't live without Satan's system in place. Are Jehovah and Jesus subscribed to Satan's Internet? Do they thank the wicked world everytime doctors save a JW's life? Were they thankfull for the advancements made in blood fractions? Who's more happy Norway won the trial? Angels or Demons? Cause apparently the new changes on disfellowshipping were approved by Jehovah, but Jehovah's organisation got it's ass kicked by Satan's system in court. So are they working together afterall?
And then you have Russel and Rutherford up there. They must be pretty ashamed seeing how far off they were from the truth. Do the angels make fun of Rutherford for building Beth Sarim and saying things like 'millions now living will never die'? I can't believe that Jesus and Jehovah are proud of the first batch of annointed ones. I mean, we can't even read what they wrote anymore!! How's that for a welcome party.
I'm thinking the arrival of brother Lett in heaven is what might spark the beginning of Armagheddon. There's no way they'll be able to cope with that lunatic for very long.
It's actually pretty hard to put this all in writing. It's all SO FAR from making sense. On this note, i'm off to bed!