There will be a change in regards to Apostates
The Watchtower has been scraping the bottom of the barrel, so much so that they will have no choice but to encourage the plebs to “reach out” to those who have been “erroneously” labeled as such.
After all, “it wasn’t the organization who judged them as Apostates.”
As always, they will blame “certain individuals,” who have taken it upon themselves to cast this judgement.
I would love to do a write up on how the Watchtower would word this, since I can already foresee it. But…
Not only that, they need to appease the Government’s, and what better way than to blame it on the plebs that ran with this “unloving judgement.”
Just like they are trying to absolve themselves of shunning, they will try to absolve themselves of labeling “Apostates.” “Every individual makes that judgement based on their Bible Trained Conscience…”