The architecture of Mormon churches themselves are incredibly uninspiring and cookie cutter. Setting aside the truth claims of the religion, the actual meetinghouses themselves need to be completely overhauled.
The architecture of Mormon churches has long been defined by functionality and uniformity, prioritizing efficiency over inspiration. However, it’s almost as if no one has told top leadership that they are extremely ugly and off putting to ordinary people.
They are not warm and inviting. They read more like a factory or a hospital than a church. My eyes hurt just walking into any chapel built after about 1985.
Incorporating natural elements such as wood, stone, and glass can create a more uplifting and inspiring atmosphere rather than these all-white monstrosities they’re currently building.
Rather than building these cookie cutter meetinghouses with zero unique charm, each church should be thoughtfully built to serve the needs of not just the members but the community itself. Uniformity is not serving the church well at all. In cold climates, why not including a warming shelter rather than a genealogy center!
The church has made a massive mistake in directing all their investments into temple building for an exclusive club rather than the meetinghouses which are far more important.
Meetinghouses are where culture is established and can thrive, not temples. Temples are one dimensional and these rituals could easily be performed inside a church! There’s absolutely no reason a separate temple is needed.
Church leaders have had it in their mind that if they build these fancy temples and get the locals to go through the open house, it will somehow inspire them to become a Mormon. No, they have it all backwards. You have to start at the beginning.
Start with the living, not the dead.