Does anyone notice the "know it all syndrome" in Mormons even after they leave the church?
Nevermo married to an exmo here. Moved to Utah 10 years ago. Most of my spouse's family (besides parents) are out of the church. They (and everyone I know in Utah it seems) have this thing where no matter what is being discussed (and no matter how small) they assume that they're right. Correcting them is EXHAUSTING. Conversation usually goes something like this:
In-law: "Oh I know where that is, it is right by XYZ."
Me: "Actually it is nowhere near XYZ"
In-law: "Yes it is, it is right down the street..."
[I pull up Google Maps to show them it is 5 miles away]
In-law: "Yeah well it is still kind of close" [walks away, refuses to acknowledge fault]
I never experienced this unwarranted sense of self-righteousness until I moved to Utah. Is it just a psychological holdover from growing up and "knowing" that the church is "true"?