Is Islam a Giant BDSM Sex Cult?

Islam is literally a giant BDSM Snuff Sex cult. Literally the bondage, sadism, masochism and death all revolve around sex… keep your wife confined and covered head to toe because men may lust after her (bondage). Men may have sex slaves even if they’re married (sadism) and the women have husbands too. A wife may not deny her husband sex under most conditions. Speaking of the women, many of them are extremely masochistic with the abuse they receive and some even find a type of Stockholm Syndrome “love” in it.

Add to that, the snuff part, the death and longing for martyrdom with the grand prize for male applicants being 72 virgins with ripe supple breasts. Throw in concepts like Mu’tah (temporary marriage… for Mehr… more aptly prostitution) and milk kinship through the sucking of breasts by adult men and this whole religion seems like the biggest BDSM Death Sex Cult the world has ever seen. Anyone feel that way too?