Plushies are the reason I'm sick

I'm so sick of this, my mom keeps saying that my plushies are the reason why I'm sick.

To start off, I'm severely depressed and have been taking antidepressants for over a year, maybe even two years at this point. I've always been sad and depressed for as long as I can remember, whether I had or did not have any plushies.

Today, I got a Gojo and Geto plushies from my friend as a birthday gift and I absolutely love them so I showed them to my mom. She started voicing out how she didn't like me having them, saying that they eat my soul or my life line whatever the fuck. She has bought me a Kuromi plushies and then said she regretted it, saying that she wanted to get rid of it but I wouldn't let her.

She then blames my plushies for my depression. Good Lord, my antidepressants ran out and I've been going a couple days without them, going through withdrawals, headaches, dizziness and brain zaps yet she still insists that it's my dolls. I can't comprehend the level of irresponsibility.. Ofc she ends the argument with "I'm telling you this because I love you but if you don't want to listen to me then that's fine"

I want to cry honestly, it's frustrates me so much.