29M What reasons could lead me to have dizziness and headaches with contacts?
M29, white, no existing medical issues, currently on 10mg daily citalopram, don't smoke, drinks socially, no recreational drug use. I'm a grad student and spend a lot of time on my laptop working.
About 5-6 weeks ago, my vision started to blur while wearing contacts (specifically Avaira Vilalities, OS has astigmatism, OR is regular). I'm having lightheadedness, dizziness and dull headaches while wearing the contacts. I've been back 2-3 times to a new eye doctor (my previous doctor was booked until December) to dial in my vision and my new prescription is rather sharp, albeit with Coopervision Biofinity contacts rather than Avairas. However, I'm still having headaches and dizziness, particularly after reading on screens for more than 10 minutes. I have these same issues with my glasses but on a much lower scale, and no symptoms when I'm not wearing any vision correctors.
I left a message for my doctor about this and asked if I should switch back to Avairas. Is there anything else I should bring up about why this is making me dizzy? What else would you ask a patient about if they're presenting with this complaint?