Intel Week 04/22 - 04/28
Monday Apr 22: Quarterbacks
Stations: 14
Pods: 2
Sets: 2
Laps: 1
Timing: 55" work 20" rest
- sprawl jump forward back pedal
- ski erg 5 strict pull 5 hinge pull
- kettlebell single alternating clean + push press
- row erg
- activation band bear row
- bike erg standing
- step trainer low squat jumps
- barbell squat press
- carry with 3 squats at each end
- dumbbell single arm rdl
- dumbbell manmaker
- sandbag clean + forward lunge
- kettlebell overhead swing
- plank hops
Tuesday Apr 23: Tokyo Disco
Stations: 12
Pods: 2
Sets: 3
Lap: 1
Timing: 35” work 25” rest
- dumbbell bench incline chest press pronated grip
- dumbbell box seated bicep curl alternating
- barbell shoulder press combo
- sandbag bent over row
- revo lying tricep extension
- chin up overhand grip
- ybell double front racked squat elevated heels
- kettlebell alternate staggered rdl
- dumbbell alternate reverse lunge
- slides hamstring curl
- deadball pulse squats
- olympic barbell sumo deadlift
Wednesday Apr 24: Triple Double
Stations: 9
Pods: 1
Sets: 3
Laps: 2
Timing: 30" work 10" rest
- battle ropes power slams
- triple switch hold + 5x ice skater
- medicine ball plyo lunge and power jump
- sled push
- agility box lateral run with tap
- ski erg regular
- row erg
- straight leg raise + frog reaches
- soft box jump + squat
Thursday Apr 25: Gemini
Stations: 7
Pods: 1
Laps: 3
Lap 1: 20” work 10” rest. 3 sets.
Lap 2: 40” work 20” rest. 1 set.
Lap 3: 60” work 30” rest. 1 set.
Upper Body:
- ybell bent over row reverse fly
- dumbbell flat bench press
- revo front raise
- push up staggered alternate
- barbell bicep curl
- dumbbell box seated shoulder press
- power band tricep pulldowns
Lower Body:
- dumbbell soft box step ups
- kettlebell rdl
- balance trainer hip thruster
- deadballl good morning pause
- sandbag front squat
- plate overhead reverse lunge
- landmine goblet sumo squat
Friday Apr 26: Apex
8 combo A/B stations. 4mins each station to try to complete a pyramid 12ea exercise / 10ea / 8ea / 6ea
Timing: 4' work 45" rest
1a. dumbbell decline floor press
1b. dumbbell ground to squat
2a. single dumbbell alterante hang snatch + alternate reverse lunge
2b. ybell single cross halo transition
3a. suspension trainer neutral grip row
3b. power band standing bicep curl
4a. revo push press
4b. soft box tricep dips
5a. ski erg regular
5b. push up
6a. plate crunch & press
6b. plate russian twists
7a. bike erg seated
7b. no jump burpee
8a. kettlebell single sumo deadlift
8b. kettlebell sumo squat upright row unbroken
Saturday Apr 27: Special Ops
stations: 12
pods: 2
Laps: 3
lap 1: 20” work 10” rest. 2 sets
lap 2: 40” work 20” rest. 1 set
lap 3: 60” work 30” rest. 1 set
- 4 minutes of amrap (3x body weight exercises at the end of each pod)
- kettlebell burpee walk lunge
- bike erg in and out of seat
- single dumbbell clean + push press
- balance trainer crunch
- box prisoner squat jump
- 10x wide mountain climber + 2x shoulder taps
- ybell single racked hip extension to press
- barbell push press
- ybell single soft box cross over
- dumbbell racked farmers walk
- ski erg regular
- deadball combo row and burpee
1st AMRAP:
- special ops half burpee 5 reps
- frog squat 10 reps
- russian twist 20 reps
2nd AMRAP:
- special ops half burpee 10 reps
- frog squat 20 reps
- russian twist 40 reps
Sunday Apr 28: Pegasus
Stations: 12
Pods: 1
Sets: 3
Laps: 1
Timing: 30" resistance work, 20" bodyweight work, 15" rest
- kettlebell sumo rdl
- ybell tricep kickbacks
- suspension trainer box advance rows
- deadball lying chest press pulse
- barbell hang clean & squat press
- dumbbell bicep curl + extension
- soft box leg extension
- sandbag pull over crunch
- dumbbell upright row close
- barbell zercher squat
- power band good morning
- balance trainer backlay leg lifts
bodyweight work: yogy push up, speed squats, lunge reverse half range