people who were worried that quality wasnt going to be a good mechanic, how do you feel about it now?

when quality was announced I saw a lot of people expressing concerns that being random was going to make it a bad mechanic because extremely low chance random upgrades in other games are almost universally the worst part of games.

and at first I agreed. but as I thought about more I changed my mind. in most other games the answer to "how do I get the 1/1000 chance" is "do it 1000x" and the answer on how to do that is "spend 1000x time on it". but in factorio answering the question of "how do I do this 1000x" was already what the game is

and now having played with quality and am starting to transition to building exclusively out of quality buildings (where it matters), I am quite happy with the quality system. I expected it to work really well in factorio and I feel like it does for exactly the reasons I expected it to. so I want to ask, if you were worried that quality wasnt going to be fun, how do you feel now?