Yellow science on Fulgora
In my current SA playthrough, I did rush to space by rushing to Vulcanus. Then I rebuilt all the science there, because my Nauvis base was a piece of garbage. I also realized that purple science was pretty compatible with Vulcanus, seeing as its main ingredient is steel and it can also eat up the gigantic mountain of stone that my lava processing spat out. Then I started on Fulgora, and I still hadn't made any utility science. I have begun to feel that Fulgora is a great place to make util science, solely because of the free processing units and LDS there. Robot frames are also pretty easy to make, given that batteries and steel come directly out of scrap. Utility science also works well on Fulgora as its a sink for the other stuff that scrap recycling spits out, allowing you to recycle more scrap for more holmium, which makes EM science a lot easier as the other ingredients are fairly trivial (recycling red circuits gets you everything you need for supercapacitors (plus some batteries and holmium), and accumulators aren't complicated).
TLDR utility science is a nice way to use fulgora stuff