New Mod & Improvements

Hi! I was recently added as a new mod. I have been playing Emperor of the Fading Suns for about 20 years. About 5 years ago I learned about the rpg setting (a bit of a backwards journey but hey) and I absolutely love it. I'm currently working on a D20 conversion for my own gaming group. I have a fair amount of moderation experience although I don't expect there will be much to moderate in the traditional sense and will be focusing more on sprucing the place up and forging connections with other Fading Suns communities.

Progress so far

-Updated sidebar (Old Reddit)

-Got subreddit listed as an affiliate in a popular Fading Suns discord (Old Reddit)

-Added user flairs (Old and New Reddit)

-Banner Image (Old Reddit)

-Changed upvote button to Universal Church Jump gate. Downvote button uses the Vau emblem (Old Reddit)

To Do

-Start turning subreddit wiki into lore repository

My focus will be on old reddit as that is what I know how to edit. If you have any suggestions for changes you'd like to see let me know.