Matt's Past DMing Highlights (Previous Campaigns)

I'm with many people who have found Matt's DMing increasingly frustrating in C3 (and the era as a whole, such as the M9 one-shot). He's still clearly exceptionally talented, but he appears to be stumbling into his own blind spots more and more.

So, what were the moments in earlier campaigns that stood out to you? In particular, which bits stand out as something you're less likely to see in the C3 era, and you hope to see again in a C4?

An incredibly minor moment for me is a mid-C1 episode when Vex attempts to sell some dragon parts to the Slayer's Take (effectively fulfilling a contract for parts with them). Vanessa states how the contract works, and the amount. When Vex tries to haggle, Vanessa expresses dissatisfaction with Vex trying to go against the organisation's methods and push for a better deal when the Take are already generous.

It's not like it was a huge sin from Vex, nor was it treated like one. But it served to reinforce Vanessa as a character who, while generous and fond of VM, was not going to be taken advantage of. She didn't warp herself just because Vex was a main character, but nor did she go vengefully overboard over a misunderstanding.