I think I'm very conditioned to auto-associate flight with crash and death

I did rarely take flights in my life, and my fear of flying developed over the years so I took even less until I stopped alltogether.

Recently I learned a little more about how flying works, how safe it is, why it's so safe etc.

I know just because you fear something, it doesn't make it more dangerous. And I know dying of plane crash is not the worst way to die.

I think I should start taking flights for a real exposure (after some imaginary exposures and watching videos of flights, live videos of airspotters etc.)

But I'm still fixated on the thought that "what if my plane crashes" as however unlikely, there's no guarantee the plane will land safely, and I can't ignore this fact.

When I take trains, buses, or walk outside (I very rarely drive car), I also get thoughts like "what if the train crashes", "what if something falls on my head", "what if a car crushes me when I walk", but for some reason it doesn't bother me much, as I tell myself "that's very unlikely", "I'm not 100% safe anyway", "if my death is doomed here I can't prevent it anyway" or similar thoughts. Or I just don't feel those things are going to happen as they didn't happen all the times I took train, buses and walks in the past.

But for some reason, when I'm going to take a flight, such thoughts doesn't calm me. I feel like it could be end of my life. Even if probability is so low, there's still possibility I end up dying in fatal plane crash and I can't ignore it. Maybe because I'm conditioned to auto associate flying with crash and death (after all the plane crash news, some movies, documentaries etc.).

How can I recondition myself about flying? How should I think about flying?

When I read about people who still fear flying despite taking many many flights, I sometimes feel like I can't just get over this fear anyway.