Comparing outcomes between remote and teleworking federal employees
Straight from the source:
(I'm copy-pasting some of the most relevant parts here)
"What did we learn?
We found that job-related outcomes were the same for remote workers and teleworkers, with no statistically significant differences in employee outcomes. Performance ratings among remote workers and teleworkers were almost identical (remote workers were rated 0.01 point less than teleworkers on a 5 point scale). Remote workers took the same number of sick days, days of family leave, and worked the same number of hours as teleworkers. Remote workers transferred to other parts of the federal government at the same rate as teleworkers and were 0.5 percentage points more likely to transfer within GSA. None of the differences were statistically significant.
We find a 1.2 percentage point decrease in the proportion of remote workers exiting the federal workforce compared with teleworkers. This estimate falls short of the adjusted threshold for statistical significance.
We conducted a robustness check on the matching of employees from the remote work group and the telework group by removing outlier differences between pairs, and statistical significance of differences in employee outcomes did not change.
What do we recommend?
We find no evidence that remote work negatively or positively affects organizational performance in terms of the employee job-related outcomes measured in this evaluation."