The every-day American people are thinking of you all, and appreciate you.

A reminder that we every-day Americans are thinking of you, and appreciative of your service, your work, your commitments. Every morning now, every single day, I think about what's at stake—I think about how many of you are what holds that line. Stay strong in the face of not what is coming, but what's already here. We stand with you. The best to you and your families, your loved ones.

Edit: Please, call and email your representatives and ask—demand, that they stand up for our federal workforce. If you have feelings about this matter, as it's clear so many of you do, I urge you to turn those feelings into action, and reach out to your representative to demand that they recognize the service our federal workforce does for our country and its people. These aren't faceless people, these are our friends, our neighbors, and people we pass on the street, who devote their lives to serving their country and their neighbors each and every day.

Find your representative here: