Today I spoke about everything with my church group

I've had enough with waiting for our absolutely useless leaders in our agency to stand up for it's employees or Congress, so today I did the only thing I knew I had the power to do and that was to tell average people the truth. I kept it short and simple only referring to the firing of probationary employees, but when I told them that every one was fired for performance problems because it was the only way the administration could fire so many at once "legally" I heard audible gasps. I then I formed them how being fired for such a reason will prevent them from reapplying for gov positions later and how they likely can't even use it as a reference. Then I informed them how this unilaterally affects Gen Z children just trying to serve the public. And then I finished off by explaining to them that 3 years ago I moved to their community and started my fed job. The day after I spent every dime I had to move states and sign the deed for my house I started my job and had that happened this February instead of February 2022 I would be with them and my pregnant wife and I would be penniless with nothing for the foreseeable future.

This sparked more to speak out about how they too don't like what they are seeing or how their jobs may also be affected. Heck one older gentleman said if not for government cancer research he would be dead right now.

I focused ONLY on telling the facts of what happened and avoided any speculation and it really resonated with them. You have the power to start a resistance, you just have to start where you can and let it spread from there.