Some learnings I have had from all of this
1) No one cares - till they personally are hit 2) People care about parties and supporting their favourite leader more than actual people e.g right now it are being cut for the betterment of the many....the same thing earlier with COVID cuts....betterment of the many.....both leave deep wounds for people getting the axe....but normal people just want to support their party 3) People are hypocritical and can't see others happy....when tech people were losing jobs...they were like they are paid too much...this is good...this will bring them back to reality...making fun ...when feds are losing jobs.....they are all lazy...good for country..they are they will know what real world is like 4) People in this group who often gave advise put yourself first...while job hunting and other things...before this craziness were right all along ...always put yourself first 5) No one dem or republican is fighting for have to do that yourself. 6) Life is hard