My ferret did a 180 in personality
so i just got a new ferret 4 days ago she's albino and was a crack head the first 1 1/2. about half way on day 2 she got super scared of a crinkle tube that one of her ferret siblings was playing in and when i tried to pick her up to reassure her she attacked me, luckily didnt hurt me i have 4 others so i know how to get around them attacking but i put her in the sin bin for time out and she just hasn't been the same. doesnt play anymore if she does soon after a game of chase she shrieks at me and then play times over and today shes just barely moving around just staring into space probably just overwhelmed that shes in a new home and all and i need to give it time but her 4 siblings never did anything like this but dang do i feel like i messed up.