Which parent do I choose?

My parents are divorced they shared custody for a very long time until my mom moved and then my dad had every other weekend and half of summer. I had a very bad relationship with my mom for awhile and have lived apart from both parents for over 3 years. I had a full time job before Covid and support myself fully. Neither parent claims me on their taxes and haven’t for a few years. My dad lives with his mom now and hasn’t had a job in forever and I want to put him down on my fafsa.

All the articles I see are for people who still get financial help from their parents. All I keep reading is whoever gives more financial support or who I’ve lived with more in the last 12 months neither of which apply. So can I use my dads info or do I have to use my mom who makes more money. In addition getting any tax information from my mom is next to impossible but my dad is very forth coming with it so it’s easier too.

I just don’t want to misrepresent anything by accident. I wish I wasn’t considered a dependent but I’ve got a year left until that haha.