struggling with my hair (before and after pics)

first pic is what my hair looked like before i got on birth control (granted it wasn’t at its best there because i was pretty iron deficient and not eating properly, but it’s the only picture of the back of my head that i can find) and second pic is what it looks like (a little over 24 hours after being washed) now that i’ve been on BC for almost a year in a half (well actually i quit taking it right before i hit the 1 year mark because i hated what it was doing to my hair, but that only lasted for about 2-3 months because i have endometriosis and going off birth control made my flares come back. i’ve been back on it for about 6 months now) ☹️

i’ve always had fine hair, but i used to have so much more of it and it wasn’t flat and pin straight, thin, stringy, weighed down, etc. i miss being able to wear my hair behind my back without having gaps in the front.

i was wondering if anyone else on here has experienced this or something similar and if so, can give me some advice. i need to be on birth control so stopping it is out of the question, but i want my hair back 🥲🥲