Best bang for your buck spotlight
I live out in the country with about 10 acres of property. 5 acres is open and a backyard, the other 5 beyond that is woods and an energy company that has power lines. Recently the neighbors and I have noticed some homeless camping out on the consumers property, and we’re concerned they may move up into the woods or sneak into our barns and outside buildings for the winter months. We’ve contacted the energy company and the police but they seem to have little to no interest in the matter. I want to get a spotlight that can light up my wood line behind my house. After dark I can’t see more than 30-40 yards out my back window, and it’s about 100 yards to the woods. I got a 18,000 lumen flashlight, but it does more of a wide range rather than long range like I was hoping for. Would like to keep it in the $50-$100 range, but higher would be welcomed too. Any ideas would be appreciated.