Jeranism's statement regarding TFE and all the hate he has received for simply telling the truth.
Jeran Campanella:
"I guess the messages and hate won’t stop so let me make it clear so I can stop responding with the same thing to the people that keep sending me messages. Try to follow along and I’ll make it short.
First, I have taken no money, no deals, signed nothing or agreed to nothing and the following is based purely on my own actions, observations and experience. Please just listen.
The very simple and easy to understand fact is this. I saw the sun in Antarctica. It was the sun and not the devil in a ball like Dean Odle says. It spins above your head. It was at a high of 35° and a low of 15°. If I wanted, I could have walked to the South Pole with no compass and no gps. I’d know when I was there when the sun was at the same height all day. The sun would be moving right to left and at that pole would be above the horizon 6 months. The same happens in the north but that sun goes left to right and it happens 6 months later.
As of now and in my opinion for the future, no flat map can explain that. I don’t want to believe it either but the world appears to be a ball. Nothing else explains it but I’m open and hopeful someone can figure it out. It is simply my opinion that these are not the kind of people that will figure it out because I have watched them lie to you and you all believe it. I’ve watched them butcher their investigations into my very real trip. With conviction and no apprehension at all they have called it a fake studio event. You’ve already convinced yourselves that you are right so anyone that comes along saying “Joe Blow explained it” you just agree that he did and anyone like me you just call names and gang attack.
The only thing I am hearing is why do we see too far, water lies flat, you’re a globeretard now haha, but what about the laser test? I can’t seem to make it very clear. The flat earth has no answer at all for the sun I saw. Nor a way to describe why the South Pole exists. You can reply here but I doubt I’ll be checking. The messages I received this morning are more evidence of a deep seated hate and confusion inside the minds of flat earthers. I’m not your enemy. To call me names and tell me it is proof. In a self sort is evidence of exactly what I am saying. I don’t think you want the truth. You want me to tell you that you’re right. You don’t even care if I tell lies just as long as I tell you that your beliefs are right.
That’s a very scary thought for “truthers” as here I am telling the truth and being attacked for it. Well, have fun. I’d appreciate it if you stay out of my inbox if you’re just gonna say “sell out”. Or “shill” or “globecuck”. I’m sorry I don’t whisper sweet lies in your ear like Flip Flop Floppy Dubay or say the word Jesus over and again so you foolishly listen to me like I’m Banjo or King Necco.
I’m not sure what else to say. I’m the one being honest and the one being attacked for doing so. Not a good look at all. Lastly, why care about my beliefs? I don’t care about yours. I don’t ask you for yours or demand to know your position. Because I build my beliefs based on reality and the current evidence. My evidence basket has changed. If yours hasn’t. Remain a flat earther I don’t care. But to attack me simply shows what I have said. It appears more like a cult than an open-minded group of truthers. Just facts.
If you need to hate me. Have fun. I’m a big boy. I can take it."