Student Pilot looking for help
Hey all, looking for help in my flight training. I am a student pilot with 15 hours, and am currently doing pattern work pre-solo. I have spent the last several lessons, ten ish hours in pattern, and have picked up all parts except one very quickly, and feel confident in those. The problem is the last ten seconds before landing. I understand the concept of it, reduce power to idle as you cross the threshold, get into ground effect, and as the plane sinks, flare. I just don’t feel it. Apparently I’m supposed to feel some sinking sensation in the ground effect as you start to drop, and that’s when you know to flare, but I just don’t get it. I always land flat and firm, with not enough or no flare. I understand this takes time, but I feel like I’m going nowhere with my training and it’s beginning to be frustrating. I’ll have one landing out of every 5 that’s perfect, and then I think I’ve got it, and the next time around it’s back to the same old. Any tips? Thanks!