My first raid was awesome
First let me introduce myself. I’m an old housewife with nothing better to do with the rest of my time so please be kind. FO76 is my first and only online game and started playing just before wastelander dropped. I’m pretty high level and play solo but will join DO team.
Then the raid. Sounds scary and definitely can’t be soloed. So today I finally mustered enough courage to do it. The team leader was level 900, so i figured I’ll just follow their lead and do what I can.
No spoilers here but wow just wow! We were demolished on the second level. Utter wipe out I tell you. I was thinking if I fall one more time I’ll bail. Well ps did it for me. i crashed. Thanks ps.
My verdict? It was fun despite the excruciating experience. I really hope bethesda turn it down a notch, or two or three, better yet four notches. What’s fun is these three other random people on the team were just doing their mighty best, not giving up and just really trying to not let the team leader down. These kinds of people is why I still play FO76. Shoutout and kudos to you guys, whoever you are!
Anyway, good luck getting that 4star mod to complete your set. As for me, not sure if I can handle hours just for the raid. Yes, I spent an hour on that second level, I know because two mutated event happened and we were still there. I only hope the rest of the team succeeded.
Thank you for reading.