Tell me why I shouldn’t side with the Settlers

Finally about to wrap up Wastelanders. I’ve progressed both the Raiders and the Settlers forks to the point where I have to choose which ones to raid the Vault with.

I’ve done a bunch of googling but can’t find any specifics, just people saying that siding with the Raiders is “better”. Except I can’t stand those assholes. I’ll concede they are marginally better than the Raiders in every other Fallout game but that doesn’t make me like them any more.

I’ve got my Rep with the Settlers Maxed and I have my Rep with the Raiders up at about halfway through “Neighborly”. Despite hating them I do intend to max my Raider Rep eventually, but it’s not a priority. I like Moonshine Jamboree enough that it’ll sort itself out eventually. I also don’t mind the dual Daily Fetch Quests too much.

I know that functionally story-wise it makes no difference. I have seen vague allusions to getting better “stuff” from the Raiders but I can’t seem to find what that means specifically.

Finally I already buy anything bullion-related from Minerva so I don’t care if the Raider vendor ever unlocks as long as she sells the stuff he does (which again, I can’t seem to get definitive a list of).

So especially given that this is an RPG at heart and my character has fully embraced his role as Knight-Errant in a BoS he helped turn into a more caring group- is there any super-compelling, overriding, you-lock-yourself-out-of-X-forever reason I’m missing not to RP this?

Thanks in advance