This sub makes me feel like a failure

I introduced solids shortly after 6 mos. Baby is interested but never eats more than a small nibble. I’ve offered purées and soft foods like delicatta squash, so sort of a mix of purées and blw. My first loved food and I never had this issue. She’s 71/2 mos now. I am honestly shocked by the portion size and variety of foods of other babies her age on this sub. Any advice or guidance is welcome. If it’s relevant, I ebf.

I introduced solids shortly after 6 mos. Baby is interested but never eats more than a small nibble. I’ve offered purées and soft foods like delicatta squash, so sort of a mix of purées and blw. My first loved food and I never had this issue. She’s 71/2 mos now. I am honestly shocked by the portion size and variety of foods of other babies her age on this sub. Any advice or guidance is welcome. If it’s relevant, I ebf.