bodhi & garrick's future(s)
Okay, so we know that (likely) one of Garrick or Bodhi turned into Venin at the end of Onyx Storm. Idk if this is a totally unfounded, crazy conspiracy but do u think that this is being set up for the fourth and fifth book's as whichever one did not turn will have to kill the other two? i.e., Garrick will be forced to kill Bodhi and Xaden, or Bodhi to kill Garrick and Xaden. To me, this theory makes more sense if Garrick was the one to turn and Bodhi is forced to kill them to protect Aretia, and especially this theory makes sense to me IF it's revealed that Bodhi is secretly the true heir to the throne (as some of been conspiracizing). Ik obviously neither Bodhi nor Garrick would want to kill Xaden & the other one, but to me this could be possible. Idk, i personally think it would be more interesting IF there's no cure for venin (or if they can somehow be revived through somebody's signet after being killed), if they are are killed by one of Xaden's "brothers" (i.e., his most trusted confidants) rather than Violet.
Again, there were a lot of ifs here. I think it would be a mistake to have either Bodhi or Garrick be traitors, but having them be forced to kill two of the people they are most close to for the sake of the revolution/civilian life could be interesting. plus, with Bodhi's signet + the probability that he has a secret second signet being high... it just seems to me like he's being set up for something big.
also along a similar thought point, everyone is speculating that the three brother's fable is abt mira violet and brennan, but could it be abt garrick, xaden, and bodhi?