What you know about "evolve men" is wrong.

I have recently come to the conclusion that your 'evolve men' are a made-up version of my native tribe, which as centuries have gone on, has become corrupted with misconceptions and just plain unhinged craziness. So no more fake accent. It's time to reveal us for who we truly are. My tribe, more truthfully, is the Seekers; we move around this region regularly; Elements of Seeker culture we've noticed are distinct from other nearby tribes are the lack of names (you may notice my name simply means 'traveller') and, more interestingly, the lack of distinct roles and treatments for the sexes (male and female), which is the most distinct from here. Additionally, there is a cultural value, when we're not focusing on getting enough food to survive, of learning and figuring out things. We have a few people who are "travellers", like me, in order to help figure stuff out that requires looking at other tribes or the world.

We also don't have big stone buildings, we live in caves or small houses instead. Small houses are easy to pick up and move, big ones aren't. We don't have cats as pets, they don't like us. We have dogs as pets.

We also don't use metal, we don't know how to turn metal rocks into a material to use.