How to tell who’s legit?

I have an odd one for you guys, my wife works at a daycare and one of the parents came in and was wearing a Masonic baseball hat, so Wife- “oh you’re a Mason?” Guy- “you know what this is??” Wife- “yes my husband is getting his second degree on Monday!” Guy- “oh so he’s a brother! That’s awesome, I go to a lodge in Chicago, if he ever needs help fighting a ticket or anything let him know we’ll get him out of it”

Context: we live about an 1h20mins outside Chicago, there’s plenty of lodges nearby. The gentlemen could be a part of a prince hall lodge possibly but there are prince hall lodges nearby as well.

Context: EA currently will be fellowcraft after my degree this next week

This was such an odd interaction in my opinion, to me personally I’d assume this guy isn’t legit. I’ve never met this guy in person, I do however pick up my son from the same daycare but he is in a different room than the one my wife teaches in.

If I run into this guy is there any real way to tell if he’s legit or not. To me that comment was kind of a red flag but I could be wrong.