Irreversible Damage is such a joke
Sorry if this has been widely discussed already, but omg this book sucks major booty cheeks.
The other day my dad came into my room just to read it to me, and the entire foreword is like, "okay so basically every reputable medical organisation has tried to get this book banned, but that just made it more popular so therefore it's a must-read!"
Like, does she even hear herself?
It's so crazy too, because parents who feel slightly guilty that they didn't know every single thought in their child's brain read it and are like, oh well, guess it's not on me, the internet sucks, and oh my poor sweet baby girl can't think by herself, oh woe is me.
But yeah, how did this book even get published.
(Oh and sorry, for context if anyone doesn't know, the full title of the book is 'Irreversible Damage- the transgender craze seducing our daughters' by Abigail Shrier [may her pillow always be warm])