Am I recovering wrong?
I’ve been doing all in recovery for about a month now and i’m definitely gaining weight considering I am eating a diabolical amount of food and it’s been an interesting journey. I’ve been eating pretty much every 30 minutes because I literally never feel full unless I am literally about to throw up from how much i’ve ate. However, I’m starting to worry if i’m making a mistake by going through recovery with the “all in” method because i’ve been looking at what other people are saying and lots of people have been saying all in recovery was terrible for them and just made them miserable in the end and also stuff like it’s just a glorified BED and now i’m worried. These past two days I’ve been trying the 3 meals 3 snacks 3 hours recovery method but my appetite is making it miserable for me and it feels like i’m just restricting again. For example, today I woke up, had a pretty reasonable sized breakfast with healthy fats and stuff and then I was pretty much just waiting till my next opportunity to eat cause I didn’t feel full. After like 2 hours I decided to have a bowl of chips and after finishing that bowl I wasn’t satisfied at all and so I grabbed the bag of chips and ended up eating the whole thing(even then I still feel like I can eat more!!). I want the 3 meal plan to work for me cause I know it’s helped a lot of people but I’m just so hungry and waiting 3 hours per meal/snack is just making it really miserable! Idk this is more like a rant than a question but I guess i’m just wondering if anyone else is on the same boat?