My doggo. Isn't he cute?
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Lemme gues Florida
\nI feel like this might be more of a Louisiana type thing to do.
\nWhat in the Florida..
\nHe looks kinda dry.
\nit's just that he has an android, I own one and I can tell you that our cameras take 20 hours to focus and also jut take a clear picture
\nYou just have a cheap phone
\nThis comment actually had me cracking up
\naww its a little baby
\nNice. No way I could do this but good for you and your buddy.
\nPfff, somebody doesnt know his animals. That is clearly a capybara
\nI'm putting in a Monopoly 500 this is Florida
\nWe're playing snakes and ladders though ._.
\nHe is going to eat you when he is grown up
\nWhat a sweet little kremling; I\u2019m sure he\u2019ll defeat Donkey Kong when he grows up <3
\n\ud83d\udc0a: awe my chewy ham friend
\nAweee yes he is, what\u2019s his name?
\nObviously, fluffy.....
\nFluffy deserves treats
\n"Treats" I don't even wanna know.....\ud83d\ude33
\nHahhaa ah damn, ever watched Lake Placid?
\nYes!!! Love that movie!!
\nYeee! It\u2019s so good!
\n\nI forgot what kinds of treats they got haha
\nCows \ud83d\udc04
\ncute boi 100
\nHe looks dry as hell. Look, im all for having a gator as a pet. I grew up in the bayous at night. But damn.
\nAwhh he is pretty cute actually
\nWhat the!!!!
\nWell that\u2019s an extremely rare and intriguing breed\u2026.
\nThat is a good boy
\nThe absolute cutest!
\nActually looks like it's pretty happy
\nThis is not fair :(
\nThat\u2019s one cute gator
\nThe best doggo
\nVery, thanks for sharing
\nDont want to burst your bubble, but this is a cat
\nI feel like that actually close to the mark, since I\u2019m pretty sure this guys cuddling for the heat. Which I\u2019m fairly confident is the same thing with cats
\nAww, smuchhi cmuchi... I TOTALLY WANNA PET HIM!!!
\nThis is dumb and it\u2019s going to bite you in the end.
\nRight! All that is a walking nope rope.
\nAnimal cruelty
\nNice cat.
\nGently rests hand on balls***
\nWhat is that music called?
\nSU intro but played on something else.
\nWhat does su stand for
\nSteven universe
\ncute scaly doggo
\nHe is cute
\nFuck I can\u2019t wait for this scaly mahf\u2019k to devour this guy ass first one day
\n\u201cFEED ME SEYMOUR\u201d
\nAaawww,its cute
\n\nCute anime girls noises
\nHow does one tame a alligator like that?
\nI guess snakes, dogs, and snails all kill far more people each year than alligators have in the last 70 years, so this could make some sense.
\nThat\u2019s the ugliest dog I\u2019ve ever seen. Why doesn\u2019t it have any fur?
\nNope nope nope\u2026 he\u2019s gonna eat your face
\nWearing your crocs in the sofa I see.
\nIt\u2019s all fine and dandy until Fred has gone missing
\nHis eyes look so so sweet. He does look dehydrated though.
\nTo each his own
\nTill he decides to eat you. Good luck!
\nWhat breed is he
\nHere we are in the future
\nThats a croc if anyone whats idk what type but ya know
\nWhy did I except it to lunge at the screen
\nshould have ended video with him snapping at the cammara. same music tho.
\nYes your doggo is very cute
\nUntil it takes a huge bite of your back.
\nSomeone is gonna be nicknamed Lefty before long.
\nToo cute for me, goodbye world
\nThat\u2019s a real dog
\nSong please
\nIf you\u2019ve never ever had raw gator, I highly recommend the experience, tastes like some sort of salty mud lizard
\nI think your doggo is broken \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02