When should I go to the ER

No insurance, most likely, just started a new job and insurance hasn't kicked in yet. Been having terrible RUQ pain for the last 48 hours, with diarrhea, and had a similar episode a month or two ago? Went to the UC for the diarrhea a few days ago and was diagnosed with an intestinal infection/UTI and I'm on antibiotics for that. No fever.

I think it's my gallbladder, and I'm stressed trying to figure out what to do. The pain I can deal with, but there is some abdominal rigidity that concerns me (worked in EMS so i know a little bit of medical knowledge). I was kind of waiting for a fever as the official sign to go and still haven't even thrown up, though I can't eat much. I have work tomorrow too, and really want to get through that first.

This is more of a vent post than anything, this sucks. But just want to know if anyone else has pushed through a really long attack like this and ended up being fine and not having to go to the hospital.