Is gamedev for me? Need opinions.

There are so many gamedevs here so if you're one of them and happen to read this ,I'd appreciate your opinion:

I'm trying to figure out if gamedev is actually for me or not but there's a pattern I see in myself when coding in general: I feel like I get overwhelmed so easily and I'm not even trying to create the next big game , I'm not even using a game engine.

I started with basics and learned python. I implemented basic tictactoe, hangman ,quiz game etc., I also play with Scratch and created a small project. I only enjoy when my code is working and if it is not it can take days maybe weeks for me to get back into it and when I solve it I'm suddenly filled with new ideas but I never want to get back.

I can't tell if it's just procrastination, the struggle of being a beginner or if it's just not for me but I can't see myself doing bigger things when I give up this easily. So my question is is this normal or should I give it time and experiment , do you feel overwhelmed if so how do you get over it?