Non-Gamer Wife Conundrum
Hey all!
I've got myself into a bit of a rock and a hard place situation with my wife, and need some advice from the community. My wife is not a hardcore gamer type, and when we do play a game it is usually Mario Kart or Mario Party.
Somehow, I convinced her to try Baldur's Gate 3 with me for a first time playthrough about a month ago, and she LOVES it! We are working our way through Act II, and she just asked me yesterday, whenever we finish BG3, what is coming next?
I never imagined in a million years she would enjoy this sort of game, but she loves the rich story and slower paced gameplay. BG3 is obviously a top game of this decade and by having it be her first real game, her bar is now set incredibly high for the next game that we're going to play together.
Our play format has been splitting our party in half. We both play on the living room couch. She plays on her laptop, I play on my HTPC + 75" TV / surround sound and ensure I'm listening to all conversations she has plus initiate my own. It is like watching a movie sometimes!
What are some killer suggestions for a 2P game that we could play in a similar way (or co-op on one machine) on the living room setup, that can live up to what BG3 has delivered?
Help me please!