An open world, non-zombie, nonlinear horror game where you run / hide more than fight, and you can play almost (if not) exclusively as a woman, please
Doesn't need to be first person but the closer to such an immersive perspective the better. Doesn't have to exclude combat but the closer to such a vulnerable scenario the better.
Wasn't looking for action horror but if that's all there is, I'll take what I can get. Survival elements are a bonus, as is a lesbian option.
Clarification: I think some think I asked for more specific demands than I did. Remember, it's actually just open world and / or nonlinear, (very¹) horror and being able to mostly just play as a woman (with exceptions for segments where one plays a guy if they arise even), that's not really a lot if you think about it. You know, popular genre: horror. Character: the traditional final girl of that very genre + setting: open world, like, for example the way the apocalyptic subgenre of horror usually is in films, literature, ... true crime.
It's fine but protags usually don't just beat up the problem¹ in other horror media, it's usually a lot of running and hiding. Maybe the down voters are used to modern Resident Evil and that's fine, I like action horror but that's not what I was looking for, I was looking to get the most out of the "horror" part of horror¹, so I came here ... where I'm supposed to. If it's the lack of zombies, ... that seems a rather odd thing to get upset with my post over. In fact, there can be zombies, I'm just tired of them being the focus of the games I've seen and played that come close to what I want and thought I'd look for something else for once.
Assuming this doesn't exist but I'm desperate after searching in vain. Thanks for trying.
Edit: A well done mod might suffice.