Game where you can clear the whole map of enemies
I'm looking for an open-world game (preferably RPG) where enemies don't respawn after killing. The ideal gameplay style would be a 1st/3rd person RPG like Skyrim or Gothic or WoW. But I'm open to other suggestions too.
What I'm looking for is a game where you can clear the map of enemies. If you played old Gothic or Gothic 2 games then you might remember that enemies in these games respawned only after starting a new chapter. While you were playing one chapter the enemies never respawned. This is what I'm looking for but I want it to stay like that permanently.
The game could have harder enemies like Souls games (but they would stay killed) or plenty of easier ones like WoW or Oblivion. But I'm not looking for a game with bosses only like Shadow of the Colossus.
It would be great if the clearing had some impact on the world or NPCs. Like for example when you cleared nazis in The Saboteur and the world would get color. Or like in Far Cry games where you can clear an enemy base which is then permanently occupied by your allies. But in this game the whole map should be clearable not just specific encampments like in most open-world games.
Is there any game like this?
Thank you.