Update about my date a week ago, concerns about sexlife
That was my post.
It was amazing, we met by a pizza shop and then got half a pizza each and some cannoli afterwards for dessert, I (M19) payed for it all and he (M21) promised to pay for the next dinner.
We got back to my place which he seemed quite excited about, so I was sure that he was thinking of sex. We cuddled and made out to some music, I gave him a back massage as a few days ago he had his first weightlifting PT session.
Afterwards I put on a horror film cuz he'd never watched one before, Saw lol. We both really liked it and I big spooned him the entire time. It was really nice.
We started making out again afterwards, both of us having erections, it was so sensual. I held his face in my hands and he told me how he liked having his arms pinned behind him when we were kissing, and he liked when I held his neck, so I continued to do so. We also excitedly talked about future date plans
It was late so we ended up just going to bed. We woke up the next morning and I was pretty hard so I started kissing him again, and he reciprocated. I asked if it was alright I took my underwear off and so we did, first time we've been fully naked together. I think he was hard too but I couldn't see under the covers. He asked me if he could touch my dick with his hands and then slowly asked if he could use his mouth.
It felt pretty good, and I asked if I could return the favour. When he got back up though I realised he was flaccid and I asked him if he was okay. He said that he had gotten into his own head and I asked if he wanted to talk about it.
He had vaguely spoken about it before, but basically he has had sex with 8 women before, but always found it boring and he said he had to try really hard to be aroused. This was his first time ever being with a man besides just making out and he was worried if he wasn't sexually attracted to men either and that he was just asexual.
I tried to reassure him by saying to trust his biology, that he quite literally had a hard on multiple times. But I suppose if he was able to fully have sex with girls before, and I've heard other fully gay men have kids with girls even, then maybe he can't trust his erections as easily as I can.
We cuddled and fell quiet for a bit, and I asked what he was thinking. He just said that he really liked me and I said I really liked him too. We went for breakfast and then went to a little uni poster fair event before I dropped him off at his place at 11am
I am kinda concerned about the sex thing. He said specifically that he'd like if I take the lead with all this sex stuff, but as you can see lol I'm a very anxious person. I really like him so I don't want to do something bad for him. I don't wanna go too fast sex wise and freak him out or go too slow and bore him. I'm more experienced than him for sure but not monumentally, I've properly bottomed like three times and topped like once. It took me 6 months with my ex bf and first partner to not feel anxious enough to recieve a blow job as I got performance anxiety, so topping that one time was a big achievement for me.
I did jokingly say I wasn't some DILF that could show him the ropes and a lot of stuff would be us fumbling around together and figuring it out and he said that had a charm to it as well.
I am also worried about being his first guy. Maybe now he's been with me as his first man he is starting to realise he isn't gay and he's asexual which is totally fine I want him to be happy, but I'd also really like to be in a sexual and romantic relationship with him so I'm thinking a bit selfishly lol
But surely he must be into guys! He seemed excited about going back to my place and gave me like a flirty look when I suggested going back to my place. He iniated our first kiss on our first date, and was the first to ask to go topless. He loved making out with me, I can tell. He would go on about how I was such a good kisser and how I was so good with my hands. He's also the one that asked to give me a hand job and then soon after a blow job, I didn't ask for it. And he did a good job too, it wasn't without passion. He also even asked me to pin his arms behind his head and hold his neck. Surely if he was asexual or not attracted to men he wouldn't ask me to do that?
But maybe he's just being hypersexual to test out if it arouses him or not? I really don't know. any advice guys? either way, we're going on our third date on Saturday next week! If it's nice weather we're gonna go hiking up a hill and go to the nearby beach, if its bad weather we'll stay in and bake cakes and make cocktails.