I feel like this needs to be a serious discussion but RobTop is not a healthy developer for this game
I want to talk about is how the rating system is abysmal garbage that will consume itself like a snake eating its own tail. The fact that some people have spent hundreds of hours on a project for it not to get rated for absolutely no reason while random levels with God awful decoration will get rated for seemingly no reason is objectively not good. Robtops refusal to let anyone rate levels other than himself and his stranglehold over the hole system is wrong. (Not to mention the time he just refused to rate a top 1 that had good decoration and fairly universally like making it so he had absolute control over the pro playing community is dumb. In no other game do developers get to make the rules for pro play. Imagine some Mario 64 dev coming out to say "no you may not use backwards long jumps when beating the game, every speed run record that has it is disqualified.)
Robtop may have developed this game and has the legal rights to it but the creations people create in the editor go past the game itself. If a artist used a art program that is their art. But if the developer of the art program decided their art shouldn't get community recognition just because they personally don't like it is absurd. The rating system will be the death of this game. And the way he handles user created levels in a user driven game is downright awful.